Malinda Parkinson

Macroeconomics 1 - Australian National University
Post Graduate Diploma, Statistics - University of Auckland
Bachelor of Science - University of Auckland
Malinda is an infrastructure specialist with over 15 years’ experience, having provided strategic and policy advice across all levels of government. Malinda applies a structured and pragmatic approach to lead and deliver complex projects within demanding timeframes. She has led a wide range of strategic projects including the development of the Fast Rail Regional Development Framework and supporting the GCC to develop the Western Sydney Place-based Infrastructure Compact.
Her expertise includes strategic planning and operations, business case management and development, infrastructure and land use integration, economic and financial analysis, investment strategies and program review and improvement.
High speed rail is back on the agenda, with the establishment of the High Speed Rail Authority and a $500m commitment from the Australian Government for planning and corridor works between Sydney to Newcastle.
Whilst the challenges of HSR are significant, so too are the benefits, particularly in relation to economic growth and productivity and regional development.
This paper explores our thoughts on why now is the right time to revisit HSR and what needs to be done.
‘Neighbourhood Deals’ are partnerships that bring together local community, businesses and councils to develop and transform places. Different types of deals can help secure commitments from stakeholders and enable a wide range of placemaking investments in Australia, from active transport infrastructure to improved public spaces.
As governments are keen to make places more liveable and connected, it is important to understand what makes Neighbourhood Deals work and what questions to ask during the deal-making process.
Feel free to reach out to our team for a conversation on how Neighbourhood Deals can be used to form exciting partnerships and create great places.
Business Improvement Districts (BIDs) are place-based partnerships that have had impacts around the world but are only just getting started in NSW. Within the boundaries of a BID, property and/or business owners agree to make a collective contribution to the area’s maintenance, development and promotion.
For business owners, landlords and policy makers, it is worth understanding what makes BIDs work and how they can benefit communities across Australia.
Feel free to reach out to our team for a conversation on how BIDs can be created to support local businesses, address gaps in existing services or programs and encourage economic growth.